
Saturday 4 May 2024

Carronade 2024

 Today was the first of the two big Scottish wargame shows, Carronade in Falkirk. It is held in a school, with two large halls, two smaller ones, and a room for a table-based bring-and-buy.

I was running the Glasgow and District Wargaming Society's display game, so I only had a little time to spend at the trade stands or the many games. In fact, for the first time in my life, I didn't buy a thing. I had bought all the odds and ends at York, and nothing else caught my eye. I am clearly a failed wargamer!

We didn't get to play many rounds of our display game, thanks to the regular stream of visitors keen to talk about a conflict they either knew little about or knew quite a bit about, often because they served in Cyprus. The battle for the Agirda Pass makes an interesting scenario, but the mix of equipment attracted confused looks until they read the handout. I am pleased that my F-100 Super Sabre got its first kill, a T34/85 tank.

Here are some of the other games that caught my eye.

This is the Phoenix Club's take on Fulford Bridge using Midgard rules.

Dystopian Wars. I must dust my fleets down.

Delighted to see the Montrose supplements for FK&P being played in 15mm

The Gothenburger's well-travelled pirate game.

Unmistakably Pegasus Bridge.

Valour and Fortitude are used for Quatre Bras using Epic figures.

Excellent ECW cavalry scenario intercepting the Queen. Pikeman's lament.

A very engaging group of lads displaying the Battle of Kambula in the Zulu wars.

54mm ACW. Definitely a spectacle.

Tradeston club's Breitenfeld.

It's a lot of work putting on a big show like this. So, thanks to the Falkirk Club for another great day out.


  1. Glad you had a good show. If I had not been there as a trader (Test of Resolve's first outing as such) I would very much have liked to play your game. Cyprus 1974 is on my long list of projects that I want to do one day, but probably never will!

    1. Thanks David. I did pass your stall on a brief foray to the canteen. Sadly, running a game gives so little time to look at what else is going on. Othe members are taking up the baton at Claymore, so I might do better then.

    2. We did better than expected so have asked Claymore if we can have a stand there as well. If not we will put on a participation game anyway
