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News from a wargamer with a special interest in the military history of the Balkans. It mainly covers my current reading and wargaming projects. For more detail you can visit the web sites I edit - Balkan Military History and Glasgow & District Wargaming Society. Or follow me on Twitter @Balkan_Dave
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Sunday 8 October 2023

The other Partisan 2023

 From not having attended any of the Newark shows, I have now been to all of them this year. I hadn't intended to go again this year, but my brother organised a few days of golf with pals near Leicester, so it would have been rude not to go on the way.

Partisan has a reputation for high-quality games, and it didn't disappoint. All the usual traders were also there, and I picked up Mig Alley for Blood Red Skies, some cowboys, various WW2 types for the Cyprus project, paints and other stuff. 

There were a couple of games that even impressed my non-wargaming daughter. One was a giant game of Risk. The board game will never feel the same again.

The other was a Star Wars game. She tells me it is from Rogue One, which means nothing to me.

If there was a theme this year, it was castles. In all shapes and sizes, the 3D printers have been very busy.

Graus 1063

Sharp Practice 1860s

Others that caught my eye was a giant Cold War game in Germany. The planes were particularly good.

WW1 trench warfare is challenging to do well, but this was impressive.

Not much Balkan interest, I am sorry to say. However, this micro 28mm game of the Hungarian Revolution was interesting.

And somewhat spookily. My current bedtime reading is James Holland's WW2 fiction series. His hero, Jack Tanner, was at the defence of Calais in 1940 in last night's chapter, and there was an impressive game doing just that battle.

So, it was well worth the detour and thanks to the organisers for another great show. I had lots of interesting chats, and spending a day at a show doing whatever I fancy is nice.

I should find a golf range tomorrow morning to tune my rusty game, but I am staying just down the road from Bosworth. I haven't been for probably 40 years, and they have moved the battlefield in the interim!


  1. Some great looking tables there. The Hagiecourt one looks particularly impressive - and a subject close to my heart, the 10th Lincolns ('Grimsby Chums') being my hometown's unit although by 1918 the membership of such units were deliberately no longer linked to specific localities.

    1. Sadly, the Pals Battalions, suffered heavy casualties. No Band of Brothers outcomes in WW1!

  2. By all accounts it’s sounds like a good time was had by all. The games at the Newark shows are generally very well presented and attractive.
    I’m often preoccupied at shows with spending £££ on various hobby items I desperately need (others might argue “want” rather than need 😉). Still, horses for courses and all that…

    1. I've been very impressed with all three shows this year. Long journey for me, but worth it.

  3. Thanks for sharing, very much appreciated for those of us who could not make it.

