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News from a wargamer with a special interest in the military history of the Balkans. It mainly covers my current reading and wargaming projects. For more detail you can visit the web sites I edit - Balkan Military History and Glasgow & District Wargaming Society. Or follow me on Twitter @Balkan_Dave
or on Mastodon @balkandave@mastodon.scot, or Threads @davewatson1683

Sunday, 2 February 2025


 The first big wargame show of the year is Vapnartak, held at York Racecourse. It's a well-lit venue on several floors, within walking distance of the city centre if you come by train, and has ample car parking. Catering and cash machines on-site.

It is primarily a trade show, with most games on the top floor. The usual names were there, and a few I hadn't seen before, mostly niche games or figures. There is also a reasonably big bring-and-buy, and I picked up a Wings of Glory bi-plane and a Red Skies ace at a very reasonable price. I travelled by train (football in Newcastle the previous day), so I resisted some painted figures. I also got some bases and acrylic paint markers to try.

While it's not a big games show, there were several good participation and display games.

A huge participation game of the landings on Omaha beach in 1944. It looks a bit limited as a participation game to me, but it is striking and popular.

Wings of Glory. I would be guaranteed to fly into those barrage balloons.

A magnificent harbour and town model. The game was less clear, but they used Pulp Alley rules

1877 Satsuma rebellion without Tom Cruise

The Yarkshire Gamer's Italian Wars collection is always worth a look.

It's an AWI game using Rebels and Patriots with some interesting amendments.

Eagle of the Ninth game using Midguard rules

Romans v Goths using ADLG in 28mm

The weather was good for the walk, and visiting York without going to the magnificent National Railway Museum would be rude.


  1. Thanks for the pics. The show always looks tempting (especially as I live relatively close in Sheffield) but I generally reming myself I need to save my ££’s for Hammerhead at Newark in March.
    Dare I suggest a victory against the Toon on the Saturday would have meant Vapnartak was the icing on the cake?

    1. It certainly was. The last win there was 2009! I am hoping to be at Hammerhead. We have Wolves on the Tuesday so another footie link up is possible.
